AKA Convention 2020
The 2020 AKA Convention is June19 through June 21, 2020 at the Holiday Inn St. Louis, AirportWest. This AKA Convention is being co-sponsored by the St.Louis Area Killifish Association (SLAKA) and the MissouriAquarium Society (MASI).
They have a great line-up of speakers, this year including:
Christophe Aubin – Bordeaux, France
Donald Taphorn, PhD
Dave Hemmerlein
Mike Hellweg & Jack Heller
in addition to the interesting people above, as yours truly, Richard Pierce, will also be speaking on lampeyes.
You an find out more about the AKA Convention at https://aka.org/!subDomains/annualConv/index.html?rand=123